Matilde Ferreira


March 2021 – November 2021

[UP]arte is a periodical printed magazine that showcases works from students and teachers of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto. As a member of the editorial team of its fifth volume, I was responsible for the pagination of several of its articles.

  • Editorial

Extracurricular Project

Magazine of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto Students' Association

Design Tools

  • Adobe InDesign |
  • Adobe Photoshop
Cover of the 5th volume of Uparte magazine, featuring a bold black-and-white design. The top section includes a stylized tornado icon in a black square with white brackets around it. Below, the title '[UP] ARTE' is prominently displayed using pixelated and abstract typography, alongside the text 'VOL. 005.' Surrounding the main elements, smaller text lists contributors, typography, hardware, software, and imagery credits

A magazine for the students, produced by students

[UP]arte Magazine Mockup [UP]arte Magazine Mockup

Editorial Design

During the editorial design phase it was important to maintain a close contact with the authors of the different articles, since one of the main magazine’s goals was to make sure that the author’s vision for their work was respected and not distorted. At the same time [UP]arte had to gain its own personality.

The editorial concept for the magazine was that the editorial rules set for it were meant to be broken in a different way in each pagination. Although grids and typography rules were established, they weren’t meant to be always followed. With this creation process the magazine gained its own identity through the experimentalist nature of its design.

[UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned [UP]arte Magazine Spread Scanned